Ben Avon station dates back to the 1890’s, as the pastoral lease was obtained by a man called Hodgkinson and the lease was separated from Longslip station. The original Ben Avon homestead dates back to 1883 with 200 acres of freehold land. The wool shed was placed on site in the early 1870’s. Hodgkinson was a lucky man as he sold all Ben Avon stock in early 1895 due to a rabbit plague, unknown to him that that year was going to be one of the worst snows to hit the Mackenzie district. Hundreds of thousands of sheep died that year and because of the stock loses no other run holder could purchase Ben Avon and he picked the lease up for a reduced rental rate.
Fast forward to 1988 and the former Avon Station owner Jim Morris bought the 25000-acre lease of Ben Avon. Jim was on the station for 30 years before selling to The Lindis. Jim saw the Ben Avon run through land tenure review and it decreased in size to 6500 acres of freehold land, with the reminder placed into DOC estate. Pre-Land tenure review the station ran 7500 merino sheep consisting of 2000 breeding ewes the balance of stock made up of wethers and hoggarts. The station also ran 150 Hereford breeding cattle. Jim always adopted a low land use approach to ensure an environmental onus to be maintained within the property.
Currently The Lindis lease Ben Avon to Longslip station owner Brian Patterson. The lease is limited to 3000 Merino stock, and 100 Angus cattle. Again a low stock approach to ensure a consistent balance with the high country environment.