With the iconic Bay of Islands stretching out across the horizon, Paroa Bay is a sheltered inlet enveloped by a perfectly irregular peninsula. At the bay’s centre, mangroves quickly become marsh, followed by a series of creeks that carve through the ancient clay of the surrounding hills. The vineyard borders two of these creeks in a natural amphitheatre that encompasses every sun drenched aspect.
The relatively small plantings began in 2006 and to this day youthfulness still dominates, with the vines now emulating the native Kauri forests that were once the custodians of the hills.
The sense of youth and exploration extends to the winery which is nestled in the heart of the vineyard. Producing a number of varieties in a range of styles, we are refining our wine growing approach constantly, searching for the highest quality and the most honest expression of the site.
Attempts to control the fruits of this beautiful and wild place are futile, therefore every aspect of production must be fluid. Our winemaking processes listens to the land, while tapping into a vast wealth of knowledge of tradition and technology — using dynamic combinations of all inputs, and a lot of hard graft, to create a refined and unique finished product.
Paroa Bay Winery was born from a desire to produce the best wine in Northland while supporting its environment and people. We believe we are well on our way.
Paroa Bay Wines are all grown, handpicked, made & bottled onsite.